Friday, 24 October 2014

Earn with Primedice

Want to earn some Bitcoins with Primedice without rolling dices? You are at the right place then.
In this post i will tell you some ways how you can make some Bit coins with Primedice without playing the dices. 

Affiliate Program: The affiliate program is 100% automatic and instant as it is managed through the website. You have to refer a user from your affiliate link and 1% of their total wager will be sent to you. Easy? Great.. Get some referrals now. Requirement: Primedice Account

Tip: Get a good reputation on Primedice and your friends or other members may tip you for your attitude! Please remember, never ask someone to tip you, it will reduce your chance to get a tip. Requirement: Primedice Account

Events: Primedice being the most popular Bit coin game creates events weekly and monthly for their users. You can always visit their Facebook Fanpage to see new events. 

If this helped you, go to Primedice and type /tip Avi in the chat. Thanks :D
Good Luck!

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